GRR: Global Race Report
Some say, “All roads lead to Rome.”
But all roads lead to race, as well.
Race. It always looms.
It can spill out, messily, at any moment.
It can do this, not only where you are, but anywhere.
And any media which talks realistically about race must make these facts part of the context.
GRR — Global Race Report — does.
Hosted and produced by Harry Allen, each weekly edition of Global Race Report gives you a 360º view — past, present, and future — of how race works in our world.
Neither screechy nor timid, Global Race Report speaks frankly, with an eye on communicating complex ideas in a straightforward way.
Global Race Report…with Harry Allen.
It’s the future…of race….
GRR: Global Race Report
GRR 003: Policing “The Chicago Way !” + What If Malcolm & Martin Had Joined Forces?
In May 2023, a print essay hit the Windy City with gale force.
Bluntly titled, “Hundreds of Chicago cops can’t testify in court,” it told the story of the recently leaked Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office’s so-called “Brady” and “Do Not Call” lists. (Cook County is the center of the Chicago metro area.)
These leaked lists are documents local prosecutors had long kept under wraps, because, on them, are the names of “hundreds of current and former Chicago police officers [who] can never be called to testify...because they have histories of misconduct or untruthfulness that would undermine their credibility on the [witness] stand.”
Reporter Max Blaisdell, the author of the piece from which that amazing find comes, will tell us what it means for Chicago, and policing, in general.
Then, on our unique GRR feature, X100: The Malcolm X Century, we’ll talk with community organizer Makani Themba, as she tells us not only why Malcolm X still matters, but why he is an exemplar, in her work as an activism strategist.
Podcast produced by CEO Rising.
GRR: Global Race Report
Email us: GlobalRaceReport@gmail.com
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